Being Thankful is Not Just A Gesture.

In our daily hustling life, sometimes we tend to forget to be thankful. It is not that we do it intentionally but we just get so busy that we overlook to do it.

By being thankful just doesn’t mean saying thanks to the cashier, saying thanks to the janitor and so on. Being thankful is to be really grateful deep down for everything that we had in life yesterday, we have today and would have tomorrow.

Be thankful for waking up in the morning, for having a nice day, for having water supply at home, for having a decent breakfast on the table, for having a job or class to go to, for having good people around, for having a clean air and more.

Most of us think, being thankful is just a gesture that we show towards people or services that we get and we don’t realize, that we have many more other abstract invisible elements to be thankful for.

Every time we are thankful for something in life, the universe can hear us and it projects back to us the vibe that it receives.

Be thankful for a good day today and for what you know, your day tomorrow will be even better. Even if it’s a situation that upsets you or something that’s not welcoming. Be thankful that it happened, as such situations give you lessons to remember so you can avoid such incidents from happening again.

Let’s learn to see the good in every bad. Let’s complain lesser and be more thankful for every single thing in life. Always remember, we are so lucky to have whatever we have now, even though it is something very little or simple, because there are still many people who doesn’t even have that little things that we have and they still strive to progress with their daily routines.

Hence, lets accept everything, be it good or bad and be grateful as it always leads us towards betterment. Let’s try and change the way we see life. Let’s only absorb the positivity and exude the negativity.

Thank you for reading.

Published by leyshahrwind

An average chap who wants to share some bits about my lifestyle, opinions, travel experiences, interests and etc. All content of my blogs are just based of personal preferences and choices. If you find them interesting/factual, then subscribe for more write ups and help me to share them with your friends. Cheers ! Much love !

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